The world's most endangered species are under threat from an Unsuspecting Source: The Internet.


Advances in technology and connectivity across the world, combined with rising buying power and demand for illegal wildlife products, have increased the ease of exchange from poacher to consumer. As a result, a largely unregulated online market allows criminals to sell illegally obtained wildlife products across the globe. Purchasing elephant ivory, tiger cubs, and pangolin scales is as easy as click, pay, ship.

Fortunately, the world’s biggest e-commerce, technology, and social media companies have joined forces to shut down online marketplaces for wildlife traffickers. The Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online brings together companies from across the world in partnership with wildlife experts at WWF, TRAFFIC, and IFAW for an industry-wide approach.


Wildlife Parts & Products


More than 15,000 African elephants are killed each year to meet the demand for ivory trinkets and ornamental objects.


Around 5,574 tigers are estimated to remain the wild. Tigers are trafficked as live cubs, furs, claws and teeth for amulets, and bones to be used in traditional medicines.


Around three rhinos are killed each day in South Africa alone for their horns for use in tonics and aphrodisiacs as well as carved ornamental cups.


An estimated 195,000 pangolins were trafficked in 2019 for their scales alone, with an estimated 1 million poached over a ten-year period.

Marine Turtles

Marine turtles are trafficked online for products made from their shells such as hair combs and leather products such as boots.

Live Animals

Live animals such as primates, reptiles, and birds are illegally taken from the wild and traded as pets.


Learn more about illegal wildlife.